Tuesday, 22 December 2009


The markings haven't left I'm assuming that it is some form of damp despite it making no sense.

So the emails I've gotten so far? I recently received another one with yet another spanish word. Again I'm assuming it's spanish. I wonder if this is just spam?
Screenshots -

The latest one -

This is annoying me.


  1. Hey Rez, Sarah told me to pop on over and check out your blog because of some weird stuff that's been going on.
    Have you emailed a response to this "idbecautious"?
    I think it might just b spam. But I can't explain the rest of the stuff. Hopefully it'll all blow over.
    Seeya later x

  2. Hey Brian, thanks. I'm popping over to Sarah's in a bit anyway. Not really comfortable being here alone. Bit spooked out.

  3. Hello there! The word means 'hand'. Could that refer to your burned hand?!
